Thursday, 12 March 2009


Have you ever sat down to write a talk, or prepare a Bible study, and your head went completley blank? Not helpful is it. That's me right now. I'm sat listening to music, with my Bible open, praying the God would tell me what He wants me to say, and my head is totally empty.
What do you do next? Go for a walk? Spend some time praying and hoping that God gives you a really good idea?
I'm stumped.
I'm in that place where I have loads of different ideas, but no coherant train of annoying!
This talk has been going round and round in my head for so long, that i need to just pick one of the ideas, and run with it. Whether that's to choose a theme and go with it until it works, or to choose a passage and preach from there.
I'll let you know how it goes. I'm hoping for a lightbulb moment.

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